Principles of Ayurveda - How to Eat for Optimum Health
You can have the healthiest, local, seasonal, organic, freshly picked, properly combined food on your table but if you eat at the wrong time, in the wrong way, or in the wrong quantity, ultimately the invigorating food will have some unhealthy consequences.
Our digestive system is designed to absorb not only the chemical elements of food, but also its subtle energies. Many of us experience digestive problems because of unnatural eating habits. Long-term indigestion can lead to nutrient deficiencies and toxic build up, which in turn can cause blockages, excess weight, unwanted deposits such as calcium in the joints or plaque in the arteries, or growths like cysts and tumors.
According to Ayurveda, almost every physical illness can be traced back to indigestion. If you care about your health, do everything you can to maintain optimal digestion!
Here are some simple, enjoyable things you can do to support strong digestion,along with the possible consequences of the opposite behavior.
Ideal timing for breakfast: 7-9am
Keep it light but but eat enough to satiate you until lunch. Consider cooked fruit or warm cereal or a smoothie without ice. Meat and eggs could be too heavy for most people to fully break down in the morning when digestion is still waking up.
Ideal timing for lunch 12 to 2pm
It is best to make lunch the largest meal of the day because digestion is strongest at midday, when the sun is at its peak. Favor a warm meal of cooked vegetables, lentils grains and heavy proteins with possible accompaniments of raw salads, desserts and digestive aids such as chutneys.
Ideal timing for dinner 5:30- 7pm
When the sun sets, so does our fire of digestion. The later dinner is served, the lighter your meal should be. Unless you have very strong ( fiery digestion) avoid heavy foods such as cheese, yogrout,large beans, meats and oily and fried foods, they are too acidic for an evening meal and may cause acid reflux or prevent you from falling asleep ontime. A lighter smaller version of the food you cooked for lunch works well too.
Before bedtime Ideally by 10pm
A warm cup of calming tea like camomila will prepare your nervous system for a sound sleep. If you have a flaring hunger that prevents you from falling asleep, try a small portion of yogurt.
Eat light snacks only if you are hungry between meals or if you meal is delayed Fresh fruit, soaked nuts and smoothies are good snack options.
It is important to eat in a calm,relaxed way, thoroughly chewing your food.
Eat small amounts, a good measure is the size of both of your hands cupped together.
Please upgrade your eating habits lovingly. Feeling guilty, being rigid with yourself, or enforcing healthy eating habits on those you dine with is not so healthy.
It is not easy to change our habits and it is essential if we want to feel good and live long, healthy lives. If you would like some support email me at and request to be put on my list for bi-monthly cooking classes at my home in Salir do Porto.
Looking forward to sharing the wisdom of Ayurveda and a delicious meal with you soon.