Long Deep Breathing
By taking long deep breaths and breathing into your belly, diaphragm and upper lungs, you have the potential to expand your lungs to several times their normal size. Each part of the breath-expansion process is distinct and when all these areas are expanded, you have a complete, long deep breath.
Breath of Fire
This powerful energizing breath will cleanse your blood and increase the flow of oxygen to your brain. It will strengthen your navel center and your nervous and immune systems, bringing you back into balance. After practicing this for just 1-2 minutes you feel rejuvenated and revitalized.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Your nostrils act as entry points to the pranic body and regulate body temperature and energy. Breathing long and deep through the left nostril activates the right side of the brain and your moon energy which is cooling, calming, and mind-expanding. Breathing through the right nostril activates the left side of the brain and your sun energy which is dynamic, action-oriented, and mentally alert.
Circular Breathing
Well known in Tantric practice as a technique to raise sexual energy up the spine through the chakras. It works on the principle of transforming sexual energy into spiritual energy and can be practiced on your own or with a partner to enhance your relationship. The energy can be channeled to heal glands and organs and to clear the chakras.
Conscious Connected Breathing
This breath moves our energy. It involves one long open expansive inhale and a complete letting go on each exhale with no pauses in between. Conscious Connected Breathing allows deep awareness of self and our connection with self, others and nature to develop, providing the groundwork for profound personal development.
Sitali Breath
This cooling breath relaxes and soothes the spine, regulating creative, sexual and digestive energies. It is great if you want to release anger or lower body temperature. If you practice regularly you feel cleansed and rejuvenated.
Canon Breath
This breath cleanses and strengthens your nerves and navel point. It is a Breath of Fire through an open mouth. Canon Breath can be done in various ways:
Whistle Breath
This Breath of Fire with open mount combines breathing with sound to circulate your prana and shift your consciousness to a higher level. Through the nervous system, you will stimulate your thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Lion Breath
Breath of Fire with the tongue out. This dynamic cleansing breath is great for opening the throat chakra and stimulating the thyroid gland.
The many benefits of cultivating a breathwork practice:
Regulate the body’s pH balance, helping your metabolic processes
Pump spinal fluid to the brain, giving you energy and endurance
Break your subconscious habits of fear and insecurity
Stimulate the pituitary gland, increasing your intuition
Stimulate endorphins, the chemicals that fight depression
Increase the flow of prana